January 21st, 2024 Jim Moore This program was a game-changer for me. I didn’t realize how truly unprepared I was going into retirement. Now I feel like I’ve been given a detailed map and cheat codes. My outlook has completely changed and the trepidation has faded away. Thank You!
January 21st, 2024 Steve Lester THF gave me the tools, organization, and confidence to properly transition to the appropriate career for me.
January 21st, 2024 Mark Williams I feel like I have grown so much in the last few months. Some of was the addressing needs like building a useful resume or updating my LinkedIn profile, but most importantly was the opportunity to meet others that are experiencing the same anxieties I have regarding the closure of my military chapter and the… Read more »
January 21st, 2024 Jason Johnston THF gave me something to aim at, and taught me how to move toward it. The program is just as applicable for a 34 year O6 as it is for a 12 year E7. They drastically shortened my learning curve on how to transition, and in an environment where you’ll be surrounded by peers just… Read more »
January 21st, 2024 George W. The Honor Foundation program has been a huge blessing to me. I came into the transition process unsure of what I wanted to do next, unsure of what my purpose was, and unsure if I could find something fulfilling for my next season of life instead of simply doing defense contract work because “it’s what… Read more »
January 21st, 2024 Chad Evans THF provided insights, guidance, and introspection into transitioning that far exceeded anything I could have hoped. There is no better program out there, not just for Special Operations, but within the Department of Defense.