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The Honor Foundation program has been a huge blessing to me. I came into the transition process unsure of what I wanted to do next, unsure of what my purpose was, and unsure if I could find something fulfilling for my next season of life instead of simply doing defense contract work because “it’s what I know”. THF showed me that I was not alone in these thoughts and feelings, that it was ok to need some help doing something as big as transitioning out of the military, and then equipped me with the tools to do it. Through THF’s program, the support of the THF staff, and the brotherhood and support of my cohort, I am now confidently moving forward with transition. I’ve determined my purpose and am confident that I will find a fulfilling role in the next season of my life. I’m equipped with the tools and building the network to help determine what the next steps will be and am sure that I can connect with the right people to not only make a living, but to live my life in accordance with my purpose, goals, and values.