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Kelsey Segalini, Director of People- Eglin

Name:  Kelsey Segalini

Where were you born and raised?
I was born in West Palm Beach, FL but spent my entire childhood in Melbourne, FL.

What’s a short story around the biggest transition you’ve faced in life?
My biggest transition would have to be the one I’m experiencing now. After being told I was going to get medically separated from the Army, I had to completely reevaluate my personal and professional goals. I knew this was the right decision for me and my family but I still carried with me a lot of guilt about leaving the military. In January 2022, I went through THF’s program as a Fellow and was absolutely blown away. I discovered what it is that makes me tick, learned how to translate my military skills and made an insane network that has opened doors that I didn’t even know existed. Initially, I wanted to go into either consulting or some sort of logistics-related job but I quickly realized that I wanted my next career to give me the flexibility needed as a mom and active duty military spouse. When I learned that The Honor Foundation was opening a campus here in the Eglin area, I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of the team. Although my life looks a little different than what I had thought, I’m so excited for this next chapter and I’m thrilled to work with an organization that is so passionate about serving others.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give a younger you?
Make sure you have a healthy work-life balance. Make a point to not only spend time with your family, but do things that you like to enjoy as well. Take that vacation, go play golf with your friends, or go see a movie with your spouse and kids. Work and careers are important, but life would be so much more fulfilling for you and your family if you have balance.

Your Personal Why?
I bring the (golf) clubs so others can shoot for birdie.

How does your Why drive you to be a part of the THF Ecosystem?
My WHY statement is about giving people the necessary tools and resources so they can accomplish their personal or professional goals. At The Honor Foundation, we work with Fellows to assist them in their transition and give them the skills and opportunities they need in order to be successful in the next chapter of their lives. As a veteran who has gone through THF’s program, I’ve both seen and experienced how daunting the transition can be when someone hangs up the uniform. THF’s mission absolutely feeds my passion to help others and I’m so excited to help Special Operations service members navigate their transition.

Military connection or why do you respect Special Operators?
I have served in several organizations within the Special Operations community as a Logistics Officer, and it has been the absolute highlight of my career. Working alongside the best the military has to offer, I found myself constantly striving to learn and improve myself and my Soldiers every day. I will cherish the memories I’ve made from working with such quiet professionals for the rest of my life.

Favorite THF Value, and why?
Fierce Empathy resonates most with me because people seek real connection. Relationships are one of the most important things in life and people want those relationships to be authentic. When you can genuinely empathize with someone, I think people are more willing to open up and be vulnerable.

Area/Industry of expertise:
As a Logistics Officer, my expertise is in logistics, budgets, relationship building, and project management.

Contact Kelsey directly at