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Diego Ugalde

Thank You THF for illuminating the path I was born to walk.

Matt Curran

THF creates an environment skillfully designed to uncover what truly drives us, our “Why”. It then provides opportunities to combine our purpose with experience gained throughout our careers – Inspiring a confident and enthusiastic transition forward into the next chapter of life knowing we will be successful regardless the climb and place.

Keith Kallio

I have had the opportunity to thrive in my new role. THF enhances what I already had. Leaders in my business have remarked about the professionalism I exhibit; both during the interview process and in day to day work habits. THF helped prepare me for what came next.

Eric Kasmire

The THF experience helped prepare me for a difficult transition from wearing the uniform to life as a civilian. I didn’t nail it perfectly with the first job but I am now in the right career, working with the right people and most importantly, loving what I do.

Larry Lacefield

THF provided the candid feedback, direction and guidance needed to be successful in the next chapter.